From the middle of 1992 to the middle of 1994 I travelled each month to Myanmar to provide Project Management advice, overseeing the planning and construction of the twelve storey retail and office building, the FMI Centre. The building was completed in early in 1995 at a cost of about US$7m million.

The FMI Centre is located in the heart of Yangon [Rangoon, Burma]. It is a mixed use commercial development with one basement car park, three levels of shops and nine levels of office space.
Bamboo scaffoling is used right throughout Asia. Yangon (Rangoon) is no exception.
Pouring concrete in Rangoon was interesting to say the least. All materials were manually delivered, aggregate, sand & cement to the floor below the pour. A small mixer was used and women labourers carried the concrete in metal pails [a bit like a wok] on their head to the pour on the floor above.

All local materials were used in the finishing, local stone and of course teak.

 Street view of the finished building next to Scott's Market.

The three storey main entrance leading into the shops and lift foyer to the office floors above.

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